Building on from previous posts, I've now added another tutorial expanding into generating and distorting volumetric geometry - in this case a procedurally generated 3-dimensional arrow - and here's the final result, rendered using Eevee.

The dimensions of the arrow and the noise distortion are all fully configurable by varying the inputs of Group nodes generated using the Node Expressions add-on - you'll need the 'full' version for this or you'll need to build each sub-expression manually (either using the 'lite' version or building the nodes yourself) to follow along. I did try and link in the .blend file but this blogging environment doesn't seem to be able to host '.blend' documents - I'll try posting it elsewhere and add a link (it is posted to the closed facebook group "Blender Procedural Textures" if you're a member of that group).
Please let me have any feedback or suggestions of other tutorials you'd like to see.