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Expression Gallery

With the Node Expressions add-on, paste these expressions into a new text block in the text editor and give it suitable name. Then simply add a new expression of 'TEXT:<name>' (where <name> is the name of the text block) to create the node group for the following examples and simply hook up the nodes as shown in the example usage.

volumetric spiral galaxy
volumetric spiral galaxy



Value = abs(Vector[x]-(sin(Vector[y]*Frequency{10})*Amplitude{0.9}))>Thickness{0.1}

volumetric spiral galaxy
volumetric spiral galaxy



_x = Vector[x]      , _y = Vector[y]



volumetric spiral galaxy
volumetric spiral galaxy



_x = Input[x]
_y = Input[y]

_dist = (_x*_x + _y*_y) **0.5
_angle = atan2(_x,_y) / 3.1415 / 2 + 0.5

_edge = round(_angle * Sides)/Sides
_edgeAngle = _angle - _edge

Edge = (Radius / cos(_edgeAngle * 3.1415 * 2*Pointiness{1})) - _dist
Output = Edge > 0

volumetric spiral galaxy
volumetric spiral galaxy



_x=Input.Generated[x], _y=Input.Generated[y]

#Set X and Y scaling based on Aspect ratio (0.866 for undistorted hexagons (`sin(60 degrees)`)

#Logic to control where we need to place the reference points

#Define the reference points - x1 is "main" reference, others positioned in relation to that
_x1=_x-mmod(_x,_xpitch)+_oddline*((-_xpitch/2*0)),  _y1=_y-mmod(_y,_ypitch)+_oddline*_ypitch
_x2=_x1+_xpitch,                                                        _y2=_y1
_x3=(_x1+_x2)/2,                                                        _y3=_y1-_ypitch
_x4=_x3,                                                                      _y4=_y1+_ypitch
_x5=_x3-_xpitch+_xpitch*2*_firsthalf,                     _y5=_y3*not(_tophalf)+_y4*_tophalf

#Distance to each reference point
_d1 = ((_x-_x1)**2+(_y-_y1)**2)**0.5
_d2 = ((_x-_x2)**2+(_y-_y2)**2)**0.5
_d3 = ((_x-_x3)**2+(_y-_y3)**2)**0.5
_d4 = ((_x-_x4)**2+(_y-_y4)**2)**0.5
_d5 = ((_x-_x5)**2+(_y-_y5)**2)**0.5

#Distance to the closest point
_dist = min(_d1,_d2,_d3,_d4,_d5)

#Determine which of the reference point is the closest
_closest1 = (_dist == _d1)
_closest2 = not(_closest1)*(_dist == _d2)
_closest3 = not(or(_closest1,_closest2))*(_dist == _d3)
_closest4 = not(or(_closest1,_closest2,_closest3))*(_dist == _d4)
_closest5 = not(or(_closest1,_closest2,_closest3,_closest4))

#Determine the distance to the *next* closest
_nextdist = max(_closest1*min(_d2, _d3, _d4, _d5)
              _closest2*min(_d1, _d3, _d4, _d5)
              _closest3*min(_d1, _d2, _d4, _d5)
              _closest4*min(_d1, _d2, _d3, _d5)
              _closest5*min(_d1, _d2, _d3, _d4, _d5))

#Calculate how close we are to the edge (the edge is halfway between the two distances)
Hexagon = 1-(_dist /((_nextdist + _dist)/2))

volumetric spiral galaxy
volumetric spiral galaxy



#Define the group for one 'iteration' of the Mandelbulb calculation
group:start(mandelbulbiteration, N, iBlown, Limit, iOffset[], iVector[])

#Split the input vector into x,y,z
_x = iVector[x]
_y = iVector[y]
_z = iVector[z]

#Calculate the coordinates
_r = (_x*_x + _y*_y + _z*_z)**0.5
_theta = atan2((_x*_x+_y*_y)**0.5,_z)
_phi = atan2(_y,_x)

_rn = _r ** N

_newx = _rn * sin(_theta*N) * cos(_phi*N)
_newy = _rn * sin(_theta*N) * sin(_phi*N)
_newz = _rn * cos(_theta*N)

#New distance from centre
_newR = (_newx*_newx + _newy*_newy + _newz*_newz)**0.5

#Determine whether our new point lies outside the sphere
oBlown = or(iBlown, _newR> Limit)

oVector[] = vadd(combine(_newx, _newy, _newz), iOffset[])
Intensity = _r - _newR

#End the group - the name should match the 'start'


#Add a group node named 'iteration1', setting the inputs to the group input values
group:add(mandelbulbiteration,iteration1,N{8},0,Limit{2},Input[], Input[])

#Add second group node named iteration2 and linked to the first
group:add(mandelbulbiteration,iteration2,N,group:iteration1[oBlown],Limit,Input[], group:iteration1[oVector])

#Add some more iterations
group:add(mandelbulbiteration,iteration3,N,group:iteration2[oBlown],Limit,Input[], group:iteration2[oVector])
group:add(mandelbulbiteration,iteration4,N,group:iteration3[oBlown],Limit,Input[], group:iteration3[oVector])
group:add(mandelbulbiteration,iteration5,N,group:iteration4[oBlown],Limit,Input[], group:iteration4[oVector])
group:add(mandelbulbiteration,iteration6,N,group:iteration5[oBlown],Limit,Input[], group:iteration5[oVector])
group:add(mandelbulbiteration,iteration7,N,group:iteration6[oBlown],Limit,Input[], group:iteration6[oVector])
group:add(mandelbulbiteration,iteration8,N,group:iteration7[oBlown],Limit,Input[], group:iteration7[oVector])
group:add(mandelbulbiteration,iteration9,N,group:iteration8[oBlown],Limit,Input[], group:iteration8[oVector])
group:add(mandelbulbiteration,iteration10,N,group:iteration9[oBlown],Limit,Input[], group:iteration9[oVector])
group:add(mandelbulbiteration,iteration11,N,group:iteration10[oBlown],Limit,Input[], group:iteration10[oVector])
group:add(mandelbulbiteration,iteration12,N,group:iteration11[oBlown],Limit,Input[], group:iteration11[oVector])
group:add(mandelbulbiteration,iteration13,N,group:iteration12[oBlown],Limit,Input[], group:iteration12[oVector])
group:add(mandelbulbiteration,iteration14,N,group:iteration13[oBlown],Limit,Input[], group:iteration13[oVector])
group:add(mandelbulbiteration,iteration15,N,group:iteration14[oBlown],Limit,Input[], group:iteration14[oVector])
group:add(mandelbulbiteration,iteration16,N,group:iteration15[oBlown],Limit,Input[], group:iteration15[oVector])
group:add(mandelbulbiteration,iteration17,N,group:iteration16[oBlown],Limit,Input[], group:iteration16[oVector])
group:add(mandelbulbiteration,iteration18,N,group:iteration17[oBlown],Limit,Input[], group:iteration17[oVector])
group:add(mandelbulbiteration,iteration19,N,group:iteration18[oBlown],Limit,Input[], group:iteration18[oVector])
#Define the outputs
Inside = not(group:iteration19[oBlown])
Intensity = group:iteration19[Intensity]

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