Managed to get the MRI raw data into a format that can be rendered in Eevee and Cycles. The original Smoke2EXR code generated the image as a single row of 'slices' and this would result in an image that was much wider than it was tall - eg, 65000 x 400 pixels. I noticed that Blender was losing precision when trying to access pixels - apparently due to rounding of the 0.0 to 1.0 image coordinate to (e.g.) 0 to 65000 image pixel, resulting in blurring in that direction.
To address this, I've revamped the code to instead create a grid of slices - eg, for 361 slices this creates a 19x19 grid. This avoids such large image dimensions and vastly improves the quality.
I'll be carrying back the changes to Smoke2EXR when time allows - and will update the tutorial and other pages - but for now, here's an image of the render (rendered using Cycles) along with a link to the Blender Stack Exchange post that details the steps involved.
